Data Visualization
September 17, 2015

The Refugee Crisis through the eyes of Data Visualization

Christopher Möller
The refugee crisis is the ubiquitous topic in international media for the past months. Many news outlets have tried to support their coverage through data visualizations - resulting in some powerful interactives. This collection shows the projects that have been published so far.

The New York Times - Closing the Back Door to Europe

2015-09-15 Maps
1442402237 8a4ea9477c64480b98b80c64fc6450c8

Vox - One chart that puts Europes response in perspective

2015-09-15 Infographic
1442402163 77535e92ef0a45ec9b8699aa45810a6f

The Economist - More neighbours make more fences

2015-09-15 Map
1442402250 859b9ae0448d46c3832015fdfa56a1f7

Swissinfo - Six graphs to understand the migration phenomenon

2015-09-14 Steamgraph, Barchart, Bubblechart, Map
1442401521 1757481ab8dc40b3b1c287064a6245c5

Berliner Morgenpost - Aus welchen Ländern Flüchtlinge nach Berlin kommen

2015-09-11 Charts
1442402192 7374dbbbf09249d694ea3c59032685c2

The New York Times - The Scale of the Migrant Crisis

2015-09-10 Infographic
1442402221 e3cd2e19d79a4aa7baac8bf878d95080

Quartz - Follow the flow of Syrian civilians from the Middle East to Western Europe

2015-09-10 Map
1442402075 97064f4fc0574b33a95d4eafda255af0

The New York Times - Seeking a Fair Distribution of Migrants in Europe

2015-09-04 Map, Barchart, Bubblechart
1442388824 c89829960a4046ffbe5e585c6be508a2

Le Monde - Comprendre la crise des migrants en Europe

2015-09-04 Graphics Collection
1442402041 55a955557c1e421a8382a336ce3f973f

SVT - Refugee flows to the EU

2015-09-03 Flowchart
1442388630 86df5eea0cf14f0097faa6fe04598015

WDR - Flüchtlinge in NRW

2015-09-01 Map
1442401648 f5cbafe2bc3d4402aff3a6acd24bafe2

The New York Times - Which Countries Are Under the Most Strain in the European Migration Crisis?

2015-08-29 Map, Charts
1442402014 0cee3b3f54d24a4682a4fbd6f2260360

The Guardian - What do you call a person who moves to another country in search of a better life?

2015-08-28 Interactive
1442402206 eb3e642592d045fcbb4981a99b502741

Lemonde - Morts aux frontières

2015-08-28 Map
1442401826 cca85cf4a3c44827bc95f83ddff5412b

Economist - Looking for a home

2015-08-27 Map, Infographic
1442401726 6817869f6a674d598404872f3e5b7859

Zeit Online - Hier wohnen Deutschlands Asylbewerber

2015-08-20 Maps
1442401971 d225658cf3ca4bd191ed63ca04c76af8

Zeit Online - Europa schiebt ab

2015-08-07 Infographic
1442401872 f1df033dd661464eb68a91a2cfaf6a8e

The New York Times - The Flight of Refugees Around the Globe

2015-06-20 Maps
1442402104 674b7431b92a4f5c8379953fb873741d

The New York Times - What’s Behind the Surge in Refugees Crossing the Mediterranean Sea

2015-05-21 Maps, Charts
1442402123 496c8bd18c3e4e7191518e0292d1e057

Zeit Online - Wer steigt in die Flüchtlingsboote?

2015-04-23 Chart
1442401899 ed725a174dcc4df989ecc2e55ba28c9b

Zeit Online - Ein gut bewachtes Massengrab

2015-04-17 Chart, Maps, Infographic
1442401918 a572c9b33eea44f3b7d448d5db903da2


Journalism++ - Migrant Files

1442401550 d231fdce0d254c22938ca5792efba450

Journalism++ - Syria

1442402151 51174708d7b34818804f1aca5dbe70c4
Further Reading
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