December 11, 2014

Visualizations of the #TortureReport

Christopher Möller
On Tuesday, the US Senate has released the Report on Torture by the CIA. It was interesting to see, how quickly visualizations of the report appeared that are extracting the key findings. Here is a collection of visualizations on the topic that have been published until now.
[Update]: We created a small application that sums up the Twitter reactions of US Senate members.

Washington Post: "The brutal methods outlined in the Senate report"

A visual comparison of the interrogation methods used by the CIA and a text analysis of the report.

Washington Post: "The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program"

A map visualization showing the locations of the prisons mentioned in the report.
senate report
senate report

Washington Post: "Hayden’s testimony vs. the Senate report"

A textual comparison on what Hayden said and what the report says.
hayden senate
hayden senate

Washington Post: "20 key findings about CIA interrogations"

Simple summarization of the key aspects of the report.
key findings
key findings

Vox: "Map: The CIA's global network of secret torture centers"

A map visualization showing the locations of the prisons mentioned in the report.
global network torture
global network torture

Reuters: "CIA detainees and 'enhancend interrogation' techniques"

Visualization of the detainees and what happend to them.
detainees and interrogation
detainees and interrogation

The Guardian: "A globale network of CIA torture"

Map showing the network of CIA torture.

Aljazeera: "Watch the world react to release of CIA 'torture report'"

An animated Twitter map, showing all tweets mentioning #TortureReport and #CIAReport.
aljazeera twitter map
aljazeera twitter map

New York Times: "7 Key Points From the C.I.A. Torture Report"

Key findings of the report with a visualization of detainees and their time spent in prison.
torture report
torture report

New York Times: "A History of the C.I.A.’s Secret Interrogation Program"

Interactive timeline of the report.

ProPublica: "Timeline: The Tortured History of the Senate’s Torture Report"

An overview about the history of the report.
pro publica
pro publica

CIA Detainees

Comparison of the time detainees have been held.
cia detaines
cia detaines

The CIA Torture Report: Without Text, Just Redactions

Visualizing the redactions on all pages of the report.
cia torture report
cia torture report
Further Reading
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