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webkid Blog
This is our space for writing tutorials and collecting things we find interesting. It is mostly about data visualizations, interactive maps and web development in general.
Data Visualization
Open Source
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
β 11 June, 2019
Handling Large Datasets with Node.js
Last year we've worked on a dashboard prototype which visualizes data publicly released by the BASt (German Federal Highway Researchβ¦
Data Visualization
β 19 March, 2018
Making Music from Data π
An explanation about how to use Scribbletune to create MIDI files from data.
Data Visualization
Data Analysis
β 14 February, 2018
How to use Jupyter Notebooks and pandas to analyse data
Jupyter Notebooks are a useful tool when it comes to visualizing and analysing data. This blog post presents basic charts and explains how to create them.
Data Visualization
β 26 July, 2017
Visualization of data along public transportation lines in Berlin
In our latest project "Berlin an deiner Linie" with the Interactive Team of the Berliner Morgenpost we visualized data along 250 public transportation lines in Berlin.
Data Visualization
β 24 June, 2016
Brexit in interactive maps and charts
This morning, Britain voted to leave the European Union. Here are some maps and charts that show the referendum results and what consequences might follow.
Data Visualization
β 23 May, 2016
Analysing Satellite Images With Google Earth Engine
In our recent project we visualized how green German cities really are. It was the first time the interactive team of the Berliner Morgenpost used satellite imagery for a data visualization.
Data Visualization
β 21 March, 2016
How we created an interactive map with MapboxGL
In our latest project, we have visualized the bicycle roads in Berlin. The interactive map is implemented using MapboxGL and a raster tile fallback for older browsers which do not support WebGL.
Data Visualization
β 11 March, 2016
Using Spreadsheets as a CMS for data visualizations
When we build visualizations, we sometimes need small backends for our applications which enable our clients to change data after launch. This is especially useful when the app should update automatically.
Data Visualization
Open Source
β 23 November, 2015
Some simple tricks for creating responsive charts with D3
In this post I have collected some techniques that I used recently when creating D3 Charts. These examples might help you to improve the readability and usability of your charts.
Data Visualization
β 17 September, 2015
The Refugee Crisis through the eyes of Data Visualization
The refugee crisis is the ubiquitous topic in international media for the past months. Many news outlets have tried to support their coverage through data visualizations - resulting in some powerful interactives.
Data Visualization
Open Source
β 05 January, 2015
Javascript Chart Libraries
In this article we will give you a quick overview about open source javascript chart libraries (mostly D3 based). Just leave a comment if you miss one.
Data Visualization
Open Source
β 23 November, 2015
Some simple tricks for creating responsive charts with D3